Presbytery Assembly

PTF Stated Assembly
November 9, 2024 at 9:30 am
Zoom & First PC Fort Lauderdale

Our November Presbytery Assembly will be held digitally via Zoom and in-person at the First Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale.  It will be no more than two hours in length.  All PTF Minister members, Ruling Elder Commissioners, and guests are welcome to register and attend.   CLERKS – Please note this year’s Parity Report for this year’s Commissioner allotment.


For more info, contact or 954-785-2220.



All will be via Zoom & In-Person
at First FTL until further notice.


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



May 2024 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | May 18, 2024


  • During 2024, the Session Records Review of 2023 minutes and materials is being conducted by the following method: Send the Stated Clerk a digital copy of your minutes along with the completed Session Minute Review Checklist [See Appendix, pp. 15-16] and the Session Minutes Review Form [See Appendix, pp. 17-19]. Once your minutes have been reviewed you will receive an acknowledgement sheet that can be inserted into your Session Minute book.  The records review will be conducted by Presbytery representatives, so please remit your digitized records, and completed checklist and reviewer forms.  PDF copies of all documents are preferred.
  • Those churches having completed their 2024 records review of 2023 minutes are: First Lake Worth and Miami Shores. SESSIONS ARE REMINDED THAT SUBMITTING RECORDS FOR REVIEW IS A CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT.  ALL SESSIONS MUST COMPLETE THE 2024 RECORDS REVIEW.
  • Statistical Reporting is complete and once again we successfully made our benchmark of 100% compliance. Well done, clerks!!
  • Presbytery Assembly Dates for the remainder of 2024 are August 24, and November 9. The 2024 Parity Report was used to enroll commissioners to today’s Presbytery Assembly.
  • The Presbytery that the Board of Pensions has made significant changes to the medical benefits plan that will impact the minister members of the Presbytery. These changes can be found at org under 2025 Benefits Plan.  The Committee on Ministry has adopted policy regarding these changes and it is reported in today’s packet under the reports of the Committee on Ministry.  The Presbytery will be joining with Clark Simmons, the Church Consultant of the Board of Pensions, during the first week of June to help pastors understand these changes.
  • The Rev. Ronald Evans (South Louisiana Presbytery) was received as a new member.
  • Ms. Karla Dias (Community LBTS) was certified ready to receive a call.
  • Mr. Michael Mahan (First Miami) was enrolled as a Candidate under care.
  • Mr. Samuel Ortiz was enrolled as an Inquirer  under care.
  • As part of the Vibrant Together ministry plan, the presbytery launched into the next segment of IS MISSIONAL, with the topic of Disciple Making.  Using Ezekiel 37:1-14, the conversation considered discipleship through the lens of Dreaming, Disturbing, and Distancing.


Parity Report
Session Minute Review Checklist

Session Minute Review Form

February 2024 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | February 10, 2024


  • Rev. Danny Morales (New Covenant PC) was installed as the 2024 Moderator for the Presbytery of Tropical Florida, and recognition of Elder Deborah Sadriwalla (Community LBTS) was given as the 2024 Vice-Moderator.  Moderator Danny thanked Elder Debi Davis for her leadership in 2023, and is now the 2024 Past Moderator and Leadership Council Chair.  Tokens of gratitude were exchanged in the form of the PCUSA Moderators Cross and Vibrant Together Moderator Stole.
  • During 2024, the Session Records Review of 2023 minutes and materials is being conducted by the following method: Send the Stated Clerk a digital copy of your minutes along with the completed Session Minute Review Checklist and the Session Minutes Review Form. Once the minutes have been reviewed the clerk will receive an acknowledgement sheet that can be inserted into your Session Minute book.  The records review will be conducted by Presbytery representatives, so please remit your digitized records, with completed checklist and reviewer forms.  PDF copies of all documents are preferred.
    • Those churches NOT having completed their 2023 records review of 2022 minutes are:, Community LBTS, Community DFB, El Cordero, First Hollywood, First Port St. Lucie, First Stuart, First Tequesta, Goodwill, Grace, Hobe Sound Com., Korean Miami, Korean Palm Beach, New Life, Palms West, Peace Covenant, and Trinity. SESSIONS ARE REMINDED THAT SUBMITTING RECORDS FOR REVIEW IS A CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT.  THESE SESSIONS MUST COMPLETE THE 2023 RECORDS REVIEW WITHOUT DELAY.
  • The Necrology Report was presented in the packet and acknowledged during worship. “Blessed are those who die in the Lord, they rest from their labors and their good works follow them.”
  • Clark Simmons, Regional Representative of the Board of Pensions, brought us greeting from Philadelphia, claiming that the pension is healthy and strong.  Some upcoming changes include the transition to Medicare Advantage Plan for those who qualify, and the Pastor’s Participation will be for minister alone beginning in 2025.  More information will be rolling out in the near future.  Clark acknowledged that the new website for Benefits Connect has had some difficulties recently, but with persistence and patience, everyone will be able to get resolutions to their concerns or questions.  You can reach Clark at 215-275-3079,
  • Rev. Georges Bitar was received into membership of the Presbytery Tropical Florida from the De Cristo Presbytery, that he may serve as a chaplain with Vitas Hospice Care.
  • The Presbytery concur on the Overture of the Presbytery of the Pacific to the 226th General Assembly to officially recognize the National Caucus of Korean Presbyterian Churches as one of the caucuses of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
  • As part of the Vibrant Together ministry plan, the presbytery launched into the next segment of IS MISSIONAL, with the topic of Leadership Development.  Using John 4, the conversation began the difference between mission and missional. The discussion centered on three principals for being missional: God’s Initiative, Rooted in God’s Love, and To Restore and Heal Creation.  The two focused reflection questions were:
    1. Identify and discuss where in John 4:31-42 you see “mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purpose to retore and heal creation.” As a group, formulate a definition of missional based on this passage.
    2. In light of this passage, name activities (use actions words) in which leaders would engage?


Necrology Report
Session Minute Review Checklist

Session Minute Review Form

November 2023 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | November 11, 2023

  • Those churches having completed their 2023 records review of 2022 minutes are: All Nations, Central, First Boynton Beach, First Delray Beach, First Fort Lauderdale, First Lake Worth, First Miami, First West Palm Beach, First Spanish, Gardens, Glades, Lakeside, Myrtle Grove, New Covenant, Peace, Pinecrest, Plantation, Sanctuary, and Sunrise.
  • The Committee on Ministry has mandated to set a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) annually for minimum Terms of Call. The COLA is set at 4% and is recommended for all calls.  Pastors, Clerks, and Treasurers received a letter informing them of this.  It was pointed out that our minimum pay is not sustainable and will not attract leadership.  The Committee on Ministry (COM) is talking about this and urges church leaders to consider this as well.  Current realties:
    • In Miami-Date County, a single person earning at the minimum would qualify for Public Housing as the Area Median Income is $74,700​
      • Low Income 80% of AMI = $57,800
    • In Broward County, a single person earning at the minimum would qualify for Public Housing as the Area Median Income is $88,500​
      • Low Income 80% of AMI = $53,800
    • In Palm Beach County, a single person earning at the minimum would qualify for Public Housing as the Area Median Income is $98,300​
      • Low Income 80% of AMI = $54,550
    • In Martin County and St. Lucie County, a single person earning at the minimum would nearly qualify for Public Housing as the Area Median Income is $84,800​
      • Low Income 80% of AMI = $47,450
    • In Monroe County, a single person earning at the minimum would qualify for Public Housing as the Area Median Income is $97,100​
      • Low Income 80% of AMI = $60,800
  • The Per Capita apportionment for 2024 is $36.85 per member. The breakdown is the following: Presbytery at $25.55, Synod at $1.50, and General Assembly at $9.80.
  • Presbytery Assemblies for 2024 will be held on February 10, May 18, August 24, and November 9. All Assemblies will begin at 9:30 am.  The manner in which each assembly will be conducted (online, in-person, hybrid) will be determined by the Leadership Council and widely published in advance. 
  • Reports were given to the Presbytery from the two Administrative Commissions in service to the Presbytery, providing their required annual reports. The Administrative Commission for Calvary is in the process of concluding its business and will be dissolved prior to the end of the calendar year.  It is noted in the report of the Leadership Council acting as the Presbytery that an Administrative Commission has been formed for Faith PC, First PC Lake Worth, and Grace PC. 
  • The Presbytery was invited to the Service of Installation for Rev. Guillermo Figueredo as Pastor of First PC, Tequesta, on November 12 at 4:00 pm.
  • COM recommended to receive Rev. Mark Wright, from Mid-South Presbytery into membership. He is now the pastor at Central Presbyterian Church at Miami.
  • CPM recommended to receive Ms. Chandler Gelb as Inquirer of Word and Sacraments and under care of the Committee of Preparation on Ministry.
  • The Leadership Council gave a presentation as an update on the Vibrant Together Development Corporation (VTDC), including an organizational chart, logo development, key tasks accomplished in the third quarter and tasks pending in the fourth quarter, the formation of the new Vibrancy Center (formerly Calvary PC), the invitation to be part of the prayer team, and finally the new website highlighting the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. All this information is found at
  • Daris introduced the next part of the Vibrant Together Ministry Plan using Spiritual Depth and Clarity of Identity.
  • The questions for discussion were:
    • What in your principally articulated vision as a congregation points to the type of spiritual depth described in John 15?
    • In what specific ways have you seen members abide more deeply today than a year ago in your church? What might be done to enhance that?
  • Synod Executive, Valerie Young, lead the worship titled GRACE & GRATITUDE. She spoke about being in   liminal space, and believers are to step into open space, be a grateful church, enduring and resilience.  The offering was designated to Christmas Joy Offering (PCUSA).


Session Minute Review Checklist
Session Minute Review Form
Cost of Living Adjustment
VTDC Update

August 2023 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | August 26, 2023

The Session Minute Review for 2022 is being conducted by the following method: Send the Stated Clerk a digital copy of your minutes along with the completed Session Minute Review Checklist and the Session Minutes Review Form.  Clerks were reminded that the checklist includes verification of insurance and financials for the church.  Insurance requirements include: general liability insurance, windstorm insurance, and flood insurance in in Zone A.  Once your minutes have been reviewed you will receive an acknowledgement sheet that can be inserted into your Session Minute book.  The records review will be conducted by Presbytery representatives, so please remit your digitized records, and completed checklist and reviewer forms.  PDF copies of all documents are preferred.  Those churches having completed their 2023 records review of 2022 minutes are: All Nations, Central, First Boynton Beach, First Delray Beach, First Lake Worth, First West Palm Beach, Gardens, Glades, Plantation, Sanctuary, and Sunrise.

As far as the 2021 Presbytery minutes and records, those were reviewed without comment or exception.

GPSC Bultena welcomed some privileged guests to speak, beginning with Synod Executive RE-Valerie Young greeted everyone warmly and said that she would have more to say at the next Assembly.  Jake Wilson of the Texas Presbyterian Foundation shared some information about their services. Clark Simmons announced that as the Board of Pensions has begun a season of rebuilding, they are conducting a Virtual Town Hall on August 31, 2023. 

Church leaders were reminded of the importance to be diligent in their preparations for a very busy hurricane season.  Including reviewing their insurance policies to make sure that they are fully covered, or to consider beginning the self-insured program with the presbytery.  Also to make sure to provide the presbytery with their bank’s wiring information, so that funds can be made readily available in the every of a disaster.  This information can be found on the Hurricane Connection webpage.

GPSC Bultena was pleased to announce the upcoming event of Pastors Convocation for serving ministers, which will be held at the Hilton Marco Island Beach Resort and Spa on September 13-15, 2023.  Dr. Bultena will be the main speaker and the topic will be Using Creativity and Imagination for the Future Church.

The Committee on Ministry brought forth two recommendations for membership:  Rev. James Mead (Retired) from Olympia Presbytery who can be found on the Pulpit Supply List, and Rev. Jeff Colarossi from Cincinnati Presbytery who will serve as the pastor at Gardens PC.

The Committee on Preparation on Ministry recommended Tricia Young (First, Fort Lauderdale) to be examined for Ministry of Word and Sacrament, having had her chaplaincy with Broward Health validated by COM.  She was approved and will have her ordination worship service on September 24, 2023, at First PC, Fort Lauderdale at 4:00 pm.

Some exciting news was shared by the Leadership Council concerning the beginning work in establishing the Vibrant Together Development Corp.

Its Mission Statement is:

The Presbytery Development Corporation (PDC) platforms the incubation of expanded ministry through innovatively repurposing church property for vibrant, sustainable ministries.

Its Offerings are:

 Its Values are:

  • Entrepreneurial Innovation:We incubate missional work beyond predictable approaches to ministry, maximizing real estate and financial assets for their highest and best use. ​
  • Trustworthy Transparency:We prioritize building trust as essential to the integrity of the life, work, and witness of the church. ​
  • Outward-Facing Focus:We look beyond the survival of our institutions, investing in tangible works of community-based love and compassion.​
  • Stewarding Abundance:We seek to amplify God’s lavish generosity by investing faithfully in new, bold, creative expressions of ministry.

There was work done for the Vibrant Together ministry plan.  Based on Luke 10:29-37, GPSC Bultena had the presbytery engage this topic using clips of a video of Rev. Dr. Matilde Moros, given at the Princeton Theological Seminary’s Reunion Closing Worship in 2019.  She beautifully brought the story of the Good Samaritan into our present day realities of understanding: “Who is my neighbor?”  Then asking: “Who am I a neighbor to?” The discussion questions were:

Moderator Elect, TE-Danny Morales led worship using liturgy for the Ascension of the Lord, found in the Book of Common Worship. The offering was designated to the PCUSA Peacemaking Offering.  Offerings were received on-line and in-person. 

Session Minute Review Checklist
Session Minute Review Form

May 2023 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | May 20, 2023

The season to submit 2022 Session Minute Reviews has begun by completing Session Minute Review Checklist  and the Session Minutes Review Form, and submitting it digitally.  Once the minutes have been reviewed, an acknowledgement sheet that can be inserted into the Session Minute book will be sent to the church.  PDF copies of all documents are preferred.  Those churches having completed their 2023 records review of 2022 minutes are: Central, First Lake Worth, and Plantation. Those churches that did not complete their records review in 2022 will need to submit two years of records in 2023 when completing the 2023 review.  Sessions are reminded that this is a constitutional requirement.

Statistical reporting was completed.  Many thanks to all who submitted their records in a timely way as the Presbytery again attained 100% compliance with the required completion of General Assembly Statistics.  Congratulations Presbytery of Tropical Florida on attaining this goal once again.  The Stated Clerk is thankful!

The Presbytery was notified that there will be changes to the medical plan benefits of the Board of Pensions that will be in place for 2025.  Details will follow but pastors and sessions should be on the lookout for future information.  With gratitude, the Board of Pensions continues to serve the Presbytery and its members with robust care through the medical plan benefit, and they will help us with navigating the upcoming changes.

The Committee on Ministry (COM) brought recommendations for new members: Rev. Joe Reggin (Peace Covenant PC) and Rev. Lonnie Darnell (Peace PC).  The Committee on Preparation on Ministry (CPM) recommended that candidate Ms. Tricia Young to be certified as ready to receive a call.

GPSC Bultena continued with the next section of the Ministry Plan of Disciple Making for June and July.  He began by asking: “What is the primary purpose and work of your congregation?”  As well as: “IS there a difference between building the church and disciple making?  As a part of Vibrant Together, a congregation grows with the deepening and widening of discipleship.  Discipleship is following Jesus.

Moderator Elect, TE-Danny Morales lead worship using liturgy for the Ascension of the Lord, found in the Book of Common Worship. The offering was designated to the PCUSA Pentecost Offering.  Offerings were received on-line and in-person. 

Session Minute Review Checklist
Session Minute Review Form
Parity Report
Disciple Making Conversation

February 2023 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | February 11, 2023

Moderator Franca installed Ruling Elder Debi Davis for as the 2023 PTF Moderator, giving her the Vibrant Together stole and moderator cross.  Her first action was in giving thanks for the work and faithfulness that Rev. Dr. Valdir Franca exhibited last year.  She also presented Rev. Danny Morales as the 2023 Vice Moderator.

The season to submit 2022 Session Minute Reviews has begun by completing Session Minute Review Checklist  and the Session Minutes Review Form, and submitting it digitally.  Once the minutes have been reviewed, an acknowledgement sheet that can be inserted into the Session Minute book will be sent to the church.  PDF copies of all documents are preferred.  Those churches having completed their 2022 records review of 2021 minutes are: All Nations, Ascension Peace, Calvary, Central, Community Deerfield Beach, Faith, First Delray Beach, First Fort Lauderdale, First Lake Worth, First Pompano, First Spanish, First Tequesta, First West Palm Beach, Gardens, Glades, Lakeside, Miami Shores, Myrtle Grove, New Covenant, Peace, Riviera, Sanctuary (Second), Sunrise, and Sunset.  If your church is not listed and should be please contact Daris Bultena ASAP.  Churches that did not complete their records review in 2022 will need to submit two years of records in 2023 when completing the 2023 review.

[Since the Assembly] We are happy to report that we completed 100% of the Statistical Reporting.  We accomplished this for 2020, 2021, 2022, and now again in 2023!  Thank you for your work, clerks!  We are still pending the Terms of Call Reports for Installed Pastors [due by February 28th] from the following churches: First Stuart, Korean Miami, Korean PB, and Palms West.

The Finance Management Committee (FMC) and Leadership Council has modified the manual to provide a Self-Insurance Policy for Windstorm Insurance for churches through the Presbytery.  Churches are encouraged to speak to GPSC Daris to begin the process.

A Zoom Seminar on filing for the Employee Retention Credit took place on Wednesday, February 15. The link below provides the materials presented there.

The Big Event took place on March 7th when Daris presented the Vibrant Together Ministry Plan was presented in full.  The link below provides those materials.

GPSC Bultena introduced the next section of the Ministry Plan of Spiritual Depth for the entire year.  It is reflected by congregational commitment to scriptural study, building of relationships beyond the membership of the church, generous giving, active prayer life, and deepening of the interior spiritual life of members.  This season is focused on Leadership Development.  In developing leadership, we will nurture leaders to have a witness that is loving, welcoming, diverse, boundary transcending, and bridge building with the overlooked.  Last year we said the Leadership Development is more than a skill set.  Today we emphasize that Leadership Development is about the essence and substance of the leader’s character: loving, welcoming, diverse, boundary transcending, and bridge building with the overlooked.  The following slides present the discussion questions:

Associate General Presbyter, Geoff McLean lead worship as a service of witness and reaffirmation of baptism, as found in the Book of Common Worship, 2018 edition.  The worship included  a moment of celebrating the Necrology of those who has entered the church Triumphant.  The offering was designated to the PCUSA One Great Hour of Sharing offering in the amount of $268.42. 

Session Minute Review Checklist
Session Minute Review Form
Windstorm Self-Insurance Policy
Employee Retention Credit
Necrology Report

January 2023 CALLED Assembly

CALLED ASSEMBLY | January 12, 2023

The purpose of the Called Assembly was to vote on the GA225 proposed amendments.


November 2022 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | November 12, 2022

COM Chair, Doug Hood, proposed that First-Fort Lauderdale we allowed to establish a co-pastoral relationship with ministers, Rev. Dr. Patrick Wrisley and Rev. Nic Merchant.  Rev. Dr. Lucy Dergarabedian, of the Presbytery of Lake Huron, was approved to become a new member of Tropical Florida.

GPSC Daris Bultena shared that the Session Minute Review for 2021 is being conducted by the following method: Send the Stated Clerk a digital copy of your minutes along with the completed Session Minute Review Checklist and the Session Minutes Review Form.  Once your minutes have been reviewed you will receive an acknowledgement sheet that can be inserted into your Session Minute book.  The records review will be conducted by Presbytery representatives, so please remit your digitized records, and completed checklist and reviewer forms.  PDF copies of all documents are preferred.

Daris reminded all session clerks that the Statistical Reporting season will soon be upon us and notes the priority in completing those reports in a timely way.  Be on the lookout for emails from Daris and Sandra about those reports in January.

Daris was happy to report that the General Assembly PJC found in favor of the Presbytery of Tropical Florida concerning the remedial action brought by Cary Tolley.  Barbara Sabin, of First Fort Lauderdale, thanked Daris and the remedial team for their effort in completing this arduous task.  

He reported that the Presbytery has created a resource packet on filing for the Employee Retention Credit.  The resource packet will help congregations to know if they qualify and provide guidance for applying for the credit.

Presbytery Assembly Dates for 2023 are: February 11, May 20, August 26, and November 11.  They are all Saturdays and will convene at 9:30 am.  The manner in which each assembly will be conducted (online, in-person, hybrid) will be determined by the Leadership Council and widely published in advance.  On Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 9:30 am, there will be a Called Assembly (in-person only) to consider and vote on Amendments to the Constitution as recommended by the 225th General Assembly.  REGISTER HERE

Daris also announced that Rev. Joyce Lieberman has recently retired as the Synod of South Atlantic Executive and Stated Clerk (SESC).  Ruling Elder Valerie Young of the Synod of the Sun was recently elected as our new SESC, beginning January 16, 2023.

Reports that the Presbytery has two Administrative Commissions in service to the Presbytery and that both commissions have provided the required annual report to the Presbytery and those reports are found in the packet.  First Miami AC | Calvary AC

Finally, Daris shared with the Presbytery that direct donations to Peace River Presbytery, our neighbors immediately west of us, have exceeded $80,000.  The Presbytery “match” challenge was fully met.  The needs in Peace River Presbytery continue and are both deep and wide.  Our sisters and brothers share their gratitude for what has been given to them by the Presbytery.  DONATE HERE

Clark Simmons of the Board of Pensions was invited to speak on hurricane relief.  He also ensured that the Pension plan is still healthy, even as the markets are volatile at this time.

For the Vibrant Together conversation, Daris proposed the following questions to the Presbyters (Discussion Responses):

GPSC Bultena led the Presbytery in the celebration of Advent Hope. The offering was designated to the PCUSA Christmas Joy offering in the amount of $175.00. 


August 2022 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | August 20, 2022

GPSC Bultena shared that those churches having completed their 2022 records review of 2021 minutes are: Central, Faith, Gardens, Glades, Miami Shores, and Myrtle Grove.  The records review will be conducted by Presbytery representatives, so please remit your digitized records, with the completed Session Minute Review Checklist and the Session Minutes Review Form PDF copies of all documents are preferred.

In the matter of Cary Tolley, complainant VS Presbytery of Tropical Florida, respondent, that the complainant has filed an appeal before the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) and has asked for and been denied a stay of enforcement.  The Presbytery has filed with the General Assembly PJC a cross appeal in the matter.  Briefs and responses to briefs have been filed by both the complainant and the respondent.  The matter will be heard by the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission on September 9, 2022, in Louisville, Kentucky.

This year’s Pastors Convocation will include an additional day that will serve as the required Boundaries Training for Pastors.  This will be a conversational experience led by Rev. Melana Scruggs, presenter.  The Pastors convocation will be led by Rev. Donna Frischnecht Jackson with the theme: “Becoming Real: Letting Your Life Speak.”  This event is for pastors serving churches and should be regarded as work time, and not vacation.

Today’s Assembly is an experiment in conducting a hybrid meeting of online and in-person. The Presbytery will solicit feedback about the experience and preferences for future assemblies.  Finally the GPSC reported that there will be a Called Presbytery Meeting on the Amendments from the GA 225.  More information will be published via the website and weekly bulletin.

Rev. Dr. Doug Hood presented Rev. Dr. Timothy Roberts to be examined and recommended for membership into the Presbytery.  Rev. Roberts came to us from the Presbytery of St. Augustine and had been serving at the Stuart Congregational Church for a few years.  He is excited to be a part of our Tropical Florida community, and to begin serving at First PC, Pompano Beach as their Transitional Pastor.

GA225 Commissioner, Barbara Hassall (RE, Sanctuary PC), was part of the Financial Resources Committee.  She reported that the big topic of the Assembly was the vote to form a Commission that will ultimately lead to the unification of the Office of General Assembly and the Presbyterian Mission Agency.  Although there are plenty that would like to keep the status quo, many more were in favor of streamlining finances, mission, purpose, and resources into one organization.

GA225 Commissioner, Rev. Fred Powell-Haig (Community, LBTS), was part of the Polity Committee.  He reported on a couple of areas that were discussed: 1) a pathway for ruling elders become ordained to be Ministers of Word and Sacrament, and 2) requirements for churches to conduct anti racism, harassment, and bullying training for ministers and sessions.  Concerning the later, he shared that the adoption of litany that apologizes to the African-American community for past and current structural injustices was a power break through denominationally.

GPSC Bultena led the Presbytery in the next part of the adopted Vibrant Together Ministry Plan, covering both Vital Worship and Reconciliation as Building Relationships.  Concerning Vital Worship, his main points stressed the Ministry Plan rubrics of worship being relevant, steeped in the reformed tradition, and participatory.  Concerning Reconciliation, he referred to the work that was done at the General Assembly 225, and an interview that was conducted with valerie izumi (lowercase preferred).  The following questions were posed for the breakout groups.  A summary of some of the response are found below.


For worship, GPSC Bultena showed excerpts of the General Assembly Juneteenth Worship Service that was celebrated earlier this year.  It included ministers from the Presbytery of San Francisco, a scripture reading in Nigerian by a ruling elder from the Salem Presbytery, and poem recited by Stated Clerk J. Herbert Nelson. The offering was designated to the PCUSA Peacemaking and Global Witness offering in the amount of $130.00.


MINUTES (Post 10/3)
Session Minute Review
Roberts Statement of Faith
Vital Worship / Reconciliation Conversation

May 2022 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | May 21, 2022

GPSC Bultena reminded the clerks that now Is the time to focus on completing their Session Minute Review for 2021 (for some 2020 also), using the digital copy format.  He thanked those churches that have completed this task: Central, Faith, and Glades.  Once again, our Presbytery was 100% with the annual Statistical Reporting, for which he thanked all the congregations for their efforts.

GPSC Bultena reported that in the matter of Cary Tolley, complainant VS Presbytery of Tropical Florida, respondent, that the complainant has filed an appeal before the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) and has asked for and been denied a stay of enforcement.  The Presbytery has filed with the General Assembly PJC a cross appeal in the matter, and is expected to present its case on September 9th.  By action in the consent motion, the Presbytery has placed the decision of the Synod of South Atlantic PJC in the minutes of the Presbytery as required by the Constitution.

The Pastors Convocation will held at the Embassy Suites in Deerfield Beach on September 14-17, and has asked pulpit pastors to reserve those dates.  He clarified to church leaders that this is work duty and not to be regarded as vacation time or continuing education.  This year will have an additional day to include a face-to-face boundaries training.

In the future the Presbytery Assembly will be hybrid meeting.  As we will be returning to in-person, we are committed to keeping the online accessibility.  In the coming days the Presbytery staff will be researching for the best and easiest voting app that would suit our meeting needs.  There will be training sessions, in particular during our weekly Tuesday Together time.

GPSC Bultena shared that Rev. Shirley Saunders has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer and asked the Presbyter commit to praying for her as she journeying on the path of tumultuous health.  Moderator Franca lead in a corporate prayer for Pastor Saunders.

Rev. Jose Manuel Capella-Pratts (CPM Chair) presented three recommendations, including two inquirers candidates: Mike Mahan (First Miami) and Veronica Chisholm (First Miami), and one candidate for ordination: Dwayne Black Jr.

Rev. Dr. Pamela Masten (COM) presented two recommendations, including Mr. Black’s installation at The Sanctuary (Second PC), and Rev. Melanie Marsh’s membership into the Presbytery as she will be Riviera’s new Transitional Pastor.

GPSC Bultena spoke on Disciple Making as Building Relationship as part of the Vibrant Together ministry plan.  These are the questions that will be considered this season:

The Presbytery worship was a commissioning service for our 225th General Assembly Candidates: RE-Barbara Hassall, TE-Fred Powell-Haig, and YAAD-Jack Rodriguez.  The offering was designated to the PCUSA Pentecost offering.

2022-2023 Parity Report
Mahan / Chisholm Statements of Motivation
Black Statement of Faith
Marsh Statement of Faith
Session Minute Review
2022 Minimum Terms of Call

February 2022 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | February 5, 2022

We started the year with Moderator, Barbara Hassall, installing Rev. Dr. Valdir Franca as the 2022 PTF Moderator.  As Valdir’s first act as Moderator, he thanked Barbara for her faithful year of service, and wished her well as the new Leadership Council Chair.  He also announced that RE Debi Davis is the 2022 Vice Moderator.

The Consent Motion had a few more nominations for COM, CPM, HRC, and PJC.  Other motions included installing Rev. Dr. Daniel Hagmaier to Peace Covenant PC in Key West, where he recently served as Transitional Pastor; as well as enrolling Deborah Viveros (Sunset PC) as Inquirer for Ministry of Word and Sacrament.  A couple of Overtures were concurred with for the 225th General Assembly.

ENV-07 (OVT-034) On Fossil Fuel Divestment
ENV-04 (OVT-015) On Creating the Presbyterian Tree Fund

GPSC Bultena’s report included that we are trying to reach 100% completion of our annual Statistical Reporting by February 11th.  There are many churches that have not completed their required 2021 Session Minute Review for 2020.  This is also the season to submit Installed Pastor’s Terms of Call by February 25th.   The Necrology Report was presented, with a special acknowledgement of the recently deceased former Presbyterian Women Moderator, Ramona Exum (Myrtle Grove).

GPSC Bultena reminded the Presbytery of the ministry plan that was voted on at the November Assembly, pointing out that the emphasis for the next three years will be on 1) building relationships, 2) having spiritual depth, and 3) being missional.  This year we will be concentrating on Building Relationships. The following guided the discussion:

We also discussed how Building Relationships defines Leadership Development as a set of activities that prepare current and future leaders to perform effectively in their roles.  The Presbytery will continue to seek to provide opportunities that build skills for leadership development.  The breakout questions were:

  • How might leaders build relationship with other leaders of the church, members, neighbors, and those beyond the neighborhood?
  • What steps might be taken by leaders to engage, equip, and encourage the building of relationships?
  • What is the role of prayer in building relationships?

2022 Proposed Budget
2021 Necrology Report
Feb. 5 Breakout Responses
Transition to Installed Process
Session Minute Review
2022 Minimum Terms of Call

November 2021 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | November 13, 2021

Our November Assembly was quite busy with elections, including the extension for Daris Bultena as Stated Clerk for another three year term.  Prominent votes included that a portion of the First Miami property be sold and developed to benefit the church; an Administrative Commission will be placed over Calvary Presbyterian Church which no longer has a solid Session; and lastly the receipt of Rev. Kathleen Dain as a new member and Transitional Pastor at First Tequesta.  The development of a new Vibrant Together Ministry Plan was initiated for the next three years.

2022-2024 Ministry Plan
Session Minute Review
2022 Minimum Terms of Call

August 2021 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | August 21, 2021

The Assembly business included the election of new committee members for the Leadership Council, TE Jacqueline Brovold; and for COM, RE Eilean Clark.  The newly elected 225th General Assembly Commissioners are: TE Fred Powell-Haig, RE Barbara Hassall, and RE Debi Davis (alt).  The Rev. Martha “Missy” Shiverick was honorably retired after 40 years of ministry.  Members at Riviera PC shared some fond memories of Rev. Shiverick ministry among them, and GPSC Daris Bultena thanked her for serving on the Leadership Council as chair since 2017.

The Stated Clerk report included that there are 40 congregations still needing to complete the 2021 records review of the 2020 minutes.  He announced that the 2022 Presbytery Assembly dates will be February 5th, May 21st, August 20th, and November 12th – the format will be determined as we get close for each.  The two announcements included the 2021 Pastors Convocation via Zoom, which featured Tod Bolsinger’s Tempered Resilience.  The second announcement was a new lunch and learn webinar for pastors, called Creative Arts Based Self Care Approaches for Pastoral Leadership, on September 21 & 28 and October 5 & 15; led by Jeannelle Benek, MA, HPMT, MT-BC, a master’s level board-certified music therapist, and Ella Dufrene, MPS, ATR, a master’s level art therapist and yoga instructor will be facilitators.

Daris also reviewed that the Clarity of Identity Part One (2019) theme was: “Now We See in a Mirror Dimly – Looking Back, Looking Now, Looking Forward.”  Clarity of Identity Part Two (2021) theme is: “Faith, Hope, and Love Abide – Building Faith, Deepening Hope, and Abiding Love.  Leaders and congregations were invited to name their vision and values; and to evaluate the Vibrant Together workplan.  All were encouraged to use “The Compass of Prayer” as the shared spiritual practice of prayer as we did in 2019.

Geoff McLean, Associate General Presbyter (AGP), was pleased to announce the 2022 Coral Gables Fund (CGF) Vibrant Together Grant Request for Proposals. Vibrant Together Grants are intended to assist congregations as they seek to embrace and employ the principles of Vibrancy as outlined in the Presbytery’s map for ministry. Grants support new ministries or augment existing ministries that support this work. Grants are not intended to supplement congregational budgets for ordinary or ongoing expenses.  The Proposal Submission deadline is October 22, at 5:00 pm. For more information, contact

Session Minute Review Forms
Clarity of Identity Conversations
Vibrant Together Grant Info

May 2021 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | May 22, 2021

The morning started with some lite business, which included taking a poll on where to have the November Assembly.  Since it is not clear what and when post pandemic will arrive, the numbers where split in half between in-person or zoom.  The Rev. Fred Powell-Haig was approved to move from Transitional to Called and Installed Pastor at The Community Church at Lauderdale by the Sea.  Inquirer Tricia Young was approved to be Candidate Under Care.  Our ministry partners were: Rev. Joyce Lieberman (Synod Executive & Stated Clerk of the South Atlantic), Kathy Broyard (Director of Florida Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Network), Dianna Wright (Director of the Office of Ecumenical and Inter-Relations, PCUSA), and Clark Simmons (Senior Consultant, Board of Pensions).

GPSC Daris Bultena led the conversation on Reconciliation as part of the Vibrant Together curriculum.  We were invited to discuss the working definition of Racism as: “Racism is a socially constructed system where some people are advantaged, and others are disadvantaged, merely because of their skin color, ethnic identity or their ancestral background.  Racism is failure to abide by the commandment to love your neighbor and a denial that all are made in the image of God.”  We also discussed the importance of anti-racism training will be for our Presbytery.  We concluded that the training: “Is a commitment to engage in deliberate learning about systemic racism, building consciousness and awareness of how we all have personal racial bias, and examining what it means to be faithful disciples in a culture of systemic racism.”

Moderator Barbara Hassall and Vice Moderator Valdir Franca lead in Pentecost worship which correlated with our Reconciliation conversation.

Policy for Converting a Transitional Pastor to a Called/Installed Pastor  (COM Tab)
Board Of Pensions Update
2021 Minister Salary Report

February 2021 Assembly

STATED ASSEMBLY | February 6, 2021

The first Presbytery Assembly of the year is always a joyous one as we installed our new moderator, Elder Barbara HassallRev. Dr. David Massey was given thanks for his service as the 2020 Moderator.  Rev. Dr. Valdir de Franca was also introduced as our Moderator Elect.  Ms. Jennifer Rohrich was enrolled as a Candidate for Ministry of Word and Sacrament.  Associate General Presbyter, Geoff McLean lead worship with the theme of Reconciliation.  GPSC Bultena presented the topic of Reconciliation as the last of the Vibrant Together topics.  He talked about the theology of Reconciliation based on the Confession of 1967, including: God’s work through Jesus Christ, the sin of humanity, and the New Life.  He went on to talk of the Ministry of Reconciliation and how it works in the mission of the church.  He also announced that there will be a five-week Congregational Lenten Study that can be used during Lent or after Easter, as each congregation chooses.

Session Minute Review Forms
Statistical Reporting
Earth Care Task Force
2020 Necrology Report
Payment Protection Plan 1 & 2
Vibrant Together Reconciliation Bible Study
Tuesday Together

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