Jun 29, 2021 | Resources, Tuesday Together, Vibrant Together



  • Experience your thoughts and feelings – you have a right to whatever you feel.
  • Talk about your thoughts and feelings – find someone safe with whom you can share how this has affected you.
  • Take care of yourself – eat, exercise, don’t self-medicate.
  • Take time – don’t rush yourself, be patient (including with you).
  • Have empathy – including for yourself.
  • Moderate your news intake – you may need a break.
  • Seek support – you are not in this alone.  We are in this together.
  • Like the pandemic, this trauma is both corporate and personal.
  • Like the pandemic, this all takes a toll on each of us and all of us together.
  • Like the pandemic, religious platitudes can often be the opposite of helpful.

  • Since Thursday morning, what has this been like for you?
  • What has this arisen in you personally?
  • What has it done in your church community?
  • How do you frame this with your faith?


  • PCUSA through PDA, FLAPDAN, and the Presbytery all have resources on trauma.
  • There are learning opportunities we can undertake corporately.
  • The Board of Pensions continues to offer the Employee Assistance Plan as part of coverage, people are available 24/7.

  • What resources could help you?
  • How might continued engagement help us all?

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