June 23 | Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Revised Common Lectionary passages for the Lord’s Day are:
First Reading: I Samuel 17:(1a, 4-11, 19-23) 32-49
Psalm 9:9-20
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Gospel Reading: Mark 4:35-41
The liturgical color for the day is: Green
One can just picture David laden down with all that armor with which Saul had clothed him. As he sheds his armor and takes up the stones and sling shot, one can almost feel the impossibility that he faces against the giant Philistine. Yet, we know the end result.
The same is true of the story in the gospel—we know they endure and make it through the storm. Yet, as the waves mount and wind swells, there is that panic that sets in and settles there.
Whenever confronted with this story I am prompted with that old question I ask every single time I read, teach, or preach on this text: “Are we aware that Jesus is in the boat with us?” Ultimately that is the real question, and perhaps the only question.
Short of that realization we will default to panic mode. We panic when we think we can’t handle it, when we think this will be the time when we will not make it through, when we are certain there are no certain alternatives—yes—we default to panic. We do it as individuals, in groups, as sessions, and in the Church.
We do not need to panic. David did not panic in front of Goliath. He did not even have to flinch. And, neither do we. We do not need to panic, because the question is not if we will make it or not. It is about the real question. The real question is: “Are we aware that Jesus is in the boat with us?”
He is in the boat with us. All those places where we have fear—he sees that—he is with us in all that. There will always be those places where we fear. There in the boat with us, what Jesus does is give us the ability to not let fear win over faith.
Rev. Dr. Daris Bultena
General Presbyter and Stated Clerk