WORSHIP TOGETHER | Sunday 4-30-2023

Sunday, April 30, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easter
The Revised Common Lectionary passages for the Lord’s Day are:
– First Reading: Acts 2:42-7
– Psalm 23:1-6
– Second Reading: I Peter 2:19-25
– Gospel Reading: John 10:1-10
The liturgical color for the day is: White
Every 4th Sunday of Easter is “Good Shepherd Sunday” where the Gospel lesson comes from John 10. Two of the seven “I am” statements that identify the person of Christ are offered here. Jesus is identified as such in verse 7 (“I am the gate”) and verse 11 (“I am the good shepherd”). In verse 10 the promise of “abundant life” is conferred on us (“the sheep” of the “Good Shepherd”). Such abundance of life is not merely in terms of quantity of large or great but life so full and complete that it is beyond measure. It is life which is like the cup that overflows (Ps.23:5) and the kind of life we see described in Acts 2.
The book of Acts records the earliest of Christian practices that were formative for the people of “the way.” This passage is a description of the early church. These practices described here continue to be not only the hallmarks of the purpose of the church but the signs of resurrection among the people for whom such practices are paramount and part of the fabric of daily living. The words, “they devoted themselves,” are key words. Picking up on the words of Acts 2, may we live so that we have:
- Devotion to Apostle’s Teaching and Fellowship: SCRIPTURE
- Devotion to Breaking of Bread and Prayers: WORSHIP/PRAYER = REFORMED PIETY & THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE
- All Things in Common & Distribution to Any as Have Need: GENEROSITY
- Day by Day with Glad and Generous Hearts: GLADNESS OF HEART
Rev. Dr. Daris Bultena
General Presbyter and Stated Clerk