October 13 | Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Oct 7, 2024 | General Presbyter & Stated Clerk, Resources, Worship Together, Worship Together Front Page

The Revised Common Lectionary passages for the Lord’s Day are:

First Reading: Job 23:1-9, 16-17
Psalm 22:1-15
Second Reading: Hebrews 4:12-16
Gospel: Mark 10:17-31

The liturgical color for the day is: Green

This week we encounter the story of Jesus and the rich man.  This is a difficult text for so many.  After all, the man seems to have a true desire to follow Jesus.  He testifies to his having kept the commandments.  He’s a good guy.  Yet, Jesus recognizes that he still has impediments to discipleship.  His richness isn’t a simple blessing but is actually a stumbling block.  Is it that he is rich or is it what that richness has done or not done in his life? 

Jesus calls on the rich man to sacrifice.  Jesus has a unique calling on this man that asks him to sacrifice what is dear to him.  Yes, there is a focus on the richness of the man but for each of us the sacrifice is unique.  Each of us must engage in the struggle of identifying what is holding us back from following Christ. 

It is likely fair to say that many share the rich man’s struggle.  Sacrificing our financial resources tends to be one of the great struggles of our lives.  This isn’t just as an individual but also as congregations.  Organizationally we tend to hold onto our resources in fear of a time when we won’t have enough. 

The text today reminds us that our calling isn’t just be those who follow the rules but to be those who sacrifice.  What is the sacrifice your being called to make?  Is your current stewardship one of sacrifice or comfort?

Rev. Geoff McLean
Associate General Presbyter

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