by Sandra Figueredo | Nov 7, 2021 | Presbytery Announcements, Presbytery Front Page, Resources
ANNOUNCEMENTS 2021 Advent Liturgy 2021 ADVENT LITURGY Enjoy five weeks of Advent liturgy, music and graphics. the liturgy is in english, but if your church wants to provide us with the Spanish or Korean translations, we will happily distribute it. Also you will find...
by Sandra Figueredo | Jul 19, 2021 | Ministry Partners, Presbytery Announcements, Presbytery Front Page, Resources
ANNOUNCEMENTS Webinars for APA Credit PCUSA-APA.ORG Members may earn up to 10 hours of non-APA credits per certification level or per 50 hours of continuing ed or, if subject matter is relevant, in an area of concentrated studies. Please provide a record of...
by Sandra Figueredo | May 5, 2021 | Presbytery Announcements, Presbytery Front Page, Resources
ANNOUNCEMENTS Make Us a Safe Sender PTF Staff Switched to A year ago we launched our new website and website address at VibrantPresbytery.orgWe are now beginning to migrate our email addresses to that domain as well. Please add...
by Sandra Figueredo | Feb 16, 2021 | Presbytery Announcements, Presbytery Front Page, Resources, Vibrant Together
At the February Assembly on February 6, 2021, we shared that the “Map for Ministry” (adopted in November 2018 that determines the work of the Presbytery) calls on us to together begin our work around the fifth component of Vibrant Christ-Centered...
by Sandra Figueredo | Jan 7, 2021 | Finance, Presbytery Announcements, Presbytery Front Page, Resources
ANNOUNCEMENTS Paycheck Protection Program ROUND 2 PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAMRound TwoThe Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are loans provided by the Federal Governments that are designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the...