3-17-2020 | ZOOM Call Church Conversations
3.17.2020 | ZOOM Call Conversations
The Presbytery of Tropical Florida offered three separate opportunities for conversations between leaders. The results of those conversations have been assembled in the attached document that is both a “what we heard” and “best practices” of the community that is the Presbytery of Tropical Florida.
We hope that this document can serve as a spark for conversation or personal reflection as you consider the nature of ministry in a time when we are to be physically isolated. Should you have questions, want more information, or just simply want to engage in further conversation that might generate more ideas please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
You are also invited to join us next Tuesday, March 24 for our “Continuing the Conversation” event that will take place on Zoom at 10:00 am, 3:00 pm, and 7:00 pm. These conversations are open opportunities for us to learn from each other and discover what it means to be the Church in this most interesting moment in life.
Vibrant Together, Daris